(above - two page spread from one of Barb Berry's art journals)
Tonight I spent some time looking at artist's blogs and was quite inspired. what shall I do first? Make an art quilt, watercolor landscapes, work in my art journals? So many ideas are swimming in my brain at the moment. Too late tonight to start anything else although I did just finish a bracelet with my beads.
Here are a couple of places I suggest you go for some visual feasting and intros to creative people:
Robin Olsen a Portland, Oregon fiber artist with an interesting blog and many great links
Kayla Coo is an artist who creates beautiful stitchery and drawings
One of my favorites from years ago:
Teesha Moore is just so creative and amazing, and oooooooo the colors!
Then there is me... and I am re-doing my website so please check it out at www.moosewinks.com