So much time has gone by and now spring is here in Bath, Maine. My friends and I have a tradition of having breakfast together on Saturday mornings when we don't have other obligations. Afterwards it's a short walk to the Kennebec river where the local merchants set up their tents and display a variety of wares.
It's fun to watch what local produce is available as we stroll into summer and fall. For now there were many choices. Many new seedlings to put into the ground. I chose some purple petunias and a geranium that is purple and doesn't look at all like a geranium. My friend Kathe at Passion Flower Farm remembered my request from last year for a globe thistle plant. I can't wait to see it bloom into the large round purple flowers. She has worked hard over the winter to make her own blog:
http://passionflowerfarm.comYou absolutely must go visit her table. She is also now at the Brunswick farmers market during the week (Tuesdays and Fridays- but check her blog!). Beautiful flower arrangements and interesting plants. She is very knowledgeable and als0 very nice!
And over at Hawkes, the same friendly family smiles and await a new baby (great grand child for the matriarch! That wonderful cucumber plant growing in a hanging basket. I bought one last year and it did well for awhile... until I forgot about it and didn't water it for about a week. I forgot to see if they had a cooler full of lobsters like they usually do.
Valerie passes by her favorite chicken sausage this time saying she has some frozen still. The couple who make very exotic ravioli is there (I think it is the husband who does the cooking in this family!). I bought some awhile back and it was chicken and walnut. Pricey but yummy!
This farmer's market is not to be missed! Wonderful people, a huge variety of things to choose from, and on a gorgeous day by the river you can't feel more delight.