Thursday, July 30, 2009

I made a brown bracelet.

I've been working on another free form peyote stitch bracelet in earthy colors and it is finally finished. I wanted to put it in my Etsy store right away, and I needed a hand model! I asked one of the boys in my son's Tae Kwon Do class to wear the bracelet and he complied without a second thought. The kids had fun directing the photo shoot and even holding a white sheet of paper behind the hand for a simple background. What amazing things one can do in a pinch!

Maybe I shouldn't be working on that bracelet. Today I visited a hand specialist to investigate the pain I've been having in my wrist and he suggested I not use that hand as much. I am now wearing a brace and hoping to avoid surgery or a cortisone shot.

The bracelet is pictured above and will also be available in my Etsy shop for $130.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sarah's Rainbow

What better place to be on a July evening with good friends than Sarah's restaurant overlooking the Sheepscot river. And after a hearty matey sandwich to be blessed with a beautiful double rainbow that seemed close enough to provoke a search for the "pot o' gold"! We ooohed and ahhhed for quite awhile as the colors increased in intensity, then slowly faded into the darkening sky.

The waitress told us this happens often at this spot, so the next time you are in Wiscasset , Maine and a storm is brewing, you may want to stop and wait for a gift from God!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yarmouth Clam Festival

Here it is mid July. I haven't written for quite awhile. Time to get back to blogging. We had a lovely Sunday at the Yarmouth Clam festival even if they did run out of clams! Many artists as always showing their beautiful work at this fair. My favorite T-shirt guy was there and my son and I now have matching sheep t-shirts.

I miss being an artist in a craft show when I go to these festivals, but there are just too many other matters that demand my time these days. Most of them resolve around being a mom. I know that the years will go by quickly and I will be happier in the long run putting this energy into my son now. Time for art and shows will come again later.

Awhile back I was debating whether to buy a DSLR camera and I finally did! So happy with my Canon XSI. Very nice camera and I'm still playing with it. I especially had fun photographing the ferris wheel directly into the afternoon sun at the clam festival.