I am learning about
etsy.com as I post pictures and write about jewelry that I've created. It is such a huge site, especially jewelry. I can find my work there, but I don't know how anyone else can without talking to me or seeing work on my website first. So many ways to connect in cyberspace that it can be overwhelming. I have sold my work there so it is exciting to do that.
I can see how people are successful with it if they spend lots of time on the computer, photographing, and mailing work. Where do they have the time to actually create? With being a mom, teaching, keeping up with household tasks and much much more, I barely get a moment to myself. When I do I am feeling brain dead and definitely blocked artistically.
So, vacation has been lovely giving me some extra moments with less pressure to be someplace always. I actually took a few more photographs of my jewelry and put them up on
etsy. I'll post some of the pictures here.